BWE Overview
BOS Web Engine (BWE) is the next-gen decentralized frontend execution environment.
BWE brings decentralized frontend development significantly closer to standard React development and provides enhanced, browser-backed security.
Key Features:
- Upgrades developer experience (TypeScript, improved debugging)
- Access to more powerful components (npm packages, true hooks, standard JS environment)
- Performance optimization & tuning (configurable trust model)
- Increased security guarantees using iframe sandboxing, removing the burden of code-level security rules
"BOS Web Engine" is a working title and will change before launch
Example Component
// import CSS module
import s from './Foo.module.css';
// import another BWE component
import Account from 'near://webengine.near/Account'
// import a BWE component from the same account using a relative path
import Post from './Post'
type Props = {
message?: string;
function Foo({ message = "Hello!" }: Props) {
return (
<div className={s.wrapper}>
<Account props={{accountId: 'bwe-demos.near'}} />
<Post props={{content: 'Hello World'}} />
export default Foo as BWEComponent<Props>;
.wrapper {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 1rem;
How it Works
- Component code is executed with Preact in hidden iframes with sandboxing features enabled
- When the component in the iframe has performed a render, it emits an event with the DOM produced
- The outer window application (OWA) listens for render events from all iframes and stitches their DOM outputs together onto the visible page
Javascript runs in sandboxes, HTML/CSS is returned